"Näthat finns inte."
Inte sett en enda tjej skriva det. Däremot väldigt mycket killar, även om alla kön kan bli drabbade av sådant. Tänkte inte skriva något om det alls. Men så fick jag upp en sån story på en annan sida. Såateeeh... Shoot!

Offret: "Okay now this is getting personal. Way to personal. They actually listed off my address. MY WHOLE FUCKING ADDRESS! I’ve given that to about maybe three people online EVER. Now I’m really upset. I come back to pull my headcanons and my artwork and I find this. I’m sorry but the likelihood of making another account now is slim. I just got threatened and they know where I live. I tracked this anon and they are in my town. So thank you tumblr community for letting this progress and continue. Now I have to fear for my safety and my sister’s safety whenever I got to pick them up from school. And yes I’ve reported them. But that doesn’t change anything. Am I really that bad for you guys to hate me this much? Whatever I did I’m sorry. I don’t mean to upset anyone. I try to please everyone. But if any of you have the same feelings, then I ask you not to harm my little sisters. Whatever personal crimes I may have committed towards you is not their fault. I’m so sorry."
Liknande har skett mig. Anonymt folk som hotar för ingen uppenbar orsak eller anledning. Finns väl inga direkt ord för att beskriva hur idiotiskt det är. Men hon (som lika gärna kunde ha varit en han) fick i alla fall bra respons på det från andra som såg meddelandet.
Person 1: "((You see this here? This needs to stop. This mun is actually afraid for her family, and for herself, and this is not okay. THE HATE NEEDS TO STOP. THIS IS NOT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST BIT OKAY. THERE IS NOTHING THAT SHE COULD HAVE POSSIBLY DONE TO DESERVE THIS, NOT IN ANY RESPECTS. So you know what, fucking anons? Come at me. Stay away from her. If you don’t like someone, keep it the fuck to yourself. Because this right here? Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is a crime. I am so done. She is one of my favorite people here, and you fuckwads have run her out. This needs to stop.))"
Person 2: "This is crossing the line. Anon hate alone is shit but this this is beyond bullshit. This is Hitler’s stinky ass shit. What the fuck anon? You really need to grow up. This has gone too far. SO come at me anon! Come at me bro! Even though I may not know her, I will gladly take her place right now. Do they realize they can go to jail for this? Just because you’re on Anon doesn’t make you invincible. There are ways of tracking down anonymous assholes like this. This anon hate has gone WAY to far."
Person 3 med förklaring & fortsättning: "You see this shit here? I don’t have any words to describe how completely and utterly wrong this is. Our mod was forced to close down her blog because she legitimately felt threatened by this. She felt as though not only her life, but the lives of her family members were at stake. Over a roleplaying blog. Because of a feud between roleplayers- and a feud that this anon wasn’t even involved in.The idiot that sent this message has since been caught, but the damage has already been done. This has gone too far. When is enough enough? Cyber-bullying is illegal. Threatening to kill someone is illegal. Telling someone to kill themselves is illegal. The chances of going to jail for something like this is very real… So if the fact that it’s morally wrong doesn’t stop you, the prospect of spending time in jail ( up to 20 years ) certainly should."
Går det att bli annat än jävligt trött på folk?
näthat finns inte,